(845) 494-5550
Trial Preparation
Pri-Con Investigations has aided many law firms and insurance companies in preparing their cases for trial. This is not only cost effective to both insurance companies and law firms but also enables attorneys to focus more on the task at hand, defending their client. This removes the burden of locating and questioning witnesses, issuing of subpoenas, obtaining affidavits, following up on receipt of subpoenaed records and photographing accident scenes.
We ensure that all medical records requested and subpoenaed evidence has been received in the proper and respective courthouses in which the trial will be taking place. We have been successful in assisting our clients in mitigating damages. We have also assisted in uncovering evidence to discredit plaintiff witnesses. Pri-Con Investigations is an extremely thorough and well-organized investigative firm. We assist our clients’ in getting the critical information and witnesses they need in a timely manner so that their cases can run as smoothly as possible. Utilizing our services result in our clients’, both the insurance carries and the law firms to reduce their case expense.
Office locations in New York & Connecticut
Tel: 845-621-2546
Contact our offices 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at our
toll free number